Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pickup Lines- Do They Work?

“We’re all a little weird, and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

                                                                                                                      - Dr. Seuss

Random little fact about me, I get great entertainment out of cheesy humor and pickup lines. Seriously, if you ever are in need of a good laugh, or in some cases a good eye roll, Google “Cheesy Pickup Lines.” It’s hilarious! I think mostly I think it’s so funny, because there are people out there in the world who actually use these pickup lines.

Picture this. A guy comes up to you and says, “I think I must have just died and gone to heaven, because baby you’re an angel.” Like, how do you respond to that? I would love to be a fly on the wall when a guy says that to a girl. Do guys actually think that’ll work?

My question and topic for this blog is as stated above, “Pickup Lines- Do they Work?” Well, do they? I’d have to say that the chances of them working are dependent on these two things: the person you’re using the line on, and the line that you choose to use. Let me give you some example’s of situations when pickup lines could work and when they could not.

So, let’s take your average guy and your average girl. Our average guy goes up to our average girl and says, “If you were a booger I’d pick you first.” Now lets just assume that our average girl has some common sense. If she’s does, she’ll slap the guy and walk away. Well, that’s what I’d do anyway. =) So, that’s and example of a bad pickup line that doesn’t work.

Now let’s take your average guy and girl again, this time using a different pickup line. Our guy goes up to our girl and says, “If beauty were time, you’d be eternity.” This one could work, but now you have to factor in the type of girl you’re saying it to. For instance, if you were to say this to me I might buy into it. BUT you have to remember that I like cheesy stuff, and not all girls are like that. Our guy might end up getting his faced slapped again… poor guy! =/

Girls are all different. So, cheesy pickup lines might work sometimes, but not necessarily. And maybe, because of this, guys don’t actually think that these lines will work, maybe they are just trying their luck to see where it gets them. Who knows?

A few weeks ago one of my friends actually said to me that she thought guys who used pickup lines were unoriginal and egotistical. She thought that they obviously thought very highly of themselves if they thought their pickup lines would work. I actually disagree though. I think they must be pretty humble. Think about it. A guy really takes his pride into his hands when he chooses to use a pickup line. He faces not only getting slapped, but also utter rejection. I mean, what if he goes through making a fool out of himself in front of a girl, and she just rolls her eyes and tells him to take a hike? OUCH! That’s utter rejection! It takes some kind of a guy to face rejection boldly, and I don’t think it’s an egotistical one.

We’ve now discussed whether or not pickup lines work on girls, so lets switch up gears a little bit and ask the question, “Do pickup lines work on guys?” Let me be one-hundred percent honest with you. I have ALWAYS wanted to try using one on a guy to see what will happen. =) Can you imagine that? Me going up to a guy and saying something along the lines of, “I just scraped my knee falling for you.” Yeah, I actually do see myself doing that! =) However, I don’t think that pickup lines work the same on guys, because guys aren’t quite as sappy as girls. BUT I could be wrong. I guess we’ll never know until I give it a try and tell all y’all about it. =) The worst I can foresee happening is me getting laughed off of the face of the earth, which would be legitimately embarrassing!

Alrighty, winding down to a conclusion. Do pick up lines work? As we’ve discussed, sometimes they do, but other times they don’t. The only way to find out though, is to try one out for yourself. However, as a warning, I advise you to use extreme caution and do so at your own risk. =) Oh, and you should definitely let me know how it works out for you… I could use a good laugh. =)

And what kind of blogger would I be if I didn’t equip my readers with good material to try out? So, here goes. Cheesy pickup lines : “Smoking is hazardous to your health… and baby you’re killing me.” “If I received a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents.” (if you ask me, you don’t have any “cents” if you use this line. ;)

“Do you have a map? I’m getting lost in your eyes.” “Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?” “I was wondering if you had an extra heart mine seems to be stolen.” And here is my very personal favorite: “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?” =)

Alrighty, go and conquer the masses with your cheesy pickup lines. Best of luck to y’all. =)

1 comment:

  1. I think instead of using your time compiling every cheesy pickup line you've ever heard, you should be doing school work.
