Saturday, February 25, 2012

Here Comes Summer - My Top Ten Must Haves!

Well folks, Summer is just one hundred and sixteen short days away. I myself am super stoked about this fact, and have already begun enjoying some VERY lush days!

On Thursday, it was eighty degrees and sunny here, with a light breeze to keep things from getting too hot. It was so refreshing! I lay out in the sun for hours basking in the beauty of the day(I also got burnt, but what’s new?). =)

I lay there thinking how that in Michigan we would consider this kind of day to be a summer day. And most likely people would go on a picnic, or play soccer at a park, or, probably more than the others, they would go to the beach. So, I then got to thinking about how badly I wanted to go to a beach and swim.

A problem presents itself, though, in the sad fact that Texas does not have nice lakes like Michigan. Like seriously, there are trees IN the lakes. Not to mention, these lakes are also infested with snapping turtles and possibly even water moccasins. Even if Texas did have nice lakes, though, Texans would think people were crazy to go swimming in February, despite how warm it was.

Anyway, this long train of thoughts finally leads to my point- the things I need to survive the summer. Otherwise known as My Top Ten Summer Must Haves! Summer is coming soon- we must be prepared!

The BIGGEST splash ten teenagers can create =) It was Epic

# 1: Air Conditioning - Do you know how HOT it gets in Texas in the summer??? It is unbelievable! Honestly I have no clue how they survived down here before the AC was invented.

# 2: A Pool or a Beach - In Michigan I prefer a beach, in Texas I prefer a pool. Either way I’d find it impossible to survive the heat without one or the other. Water is so refreshing!

# 3: Sunscreen - Especially if you’re spending a lot of time in the sun, you need protection. You don’t want to look like a tomato all summer! =) I know I usually burn the worst at the beginning of summer, in my eagerness to get tan, but with sunscreen I can be saved the pain. =)

# 4: Vinegar - As a tribute to my Grandma. Grandma always says vinegar is the best for soothing bad sunburns. It really stinks, but it does work! So, if you get a bad sunburn this summer try some vinegar on it. And if it doesn’t work, at least people will be able to smell you coming form a mile away. =)

# 5: Music - I can’t live without music anyways, but during the summer I like to listen to different types of music than I listen to all the rest of the year. So, for these long summer days I like to listen to Oldies music. Hands down the Beach Boys are my favorite group! There’s nothing like sitting by the pool listening to “Surfin’ USA.” =) Unless it’s sitting by the pool listening to Lacrae, who is so NOT oldies, but who will definitely be on my summer play list anyway.

# 6: Flip-Flops - If I didn’t have flip-flops I just might go crazy. Flip-flops are a HUGE necessity ! And if you live in Texas you need several pairs, because the hot cement melts them down really quick. I love flip-flops!

# 7: Lemonade - or iced tea. I don’t really like iced tea, but it’s a big hit with the Texans. However, I’ve found that I like it better mixed with lemonade. So, if you want the best of BOTH worlds try mixing the two. Did you know this mix actually has a name- Arnold Palmer? Yeah, well I didn’t. Thanks to my good friend Megan, who explained what an Arnold Palmer was to me last summer, I am now an ounce smarter. =) Anyway, HUGE shout-out to Chick-fil-la, the best place to get lemonade or iced tea here in Texas!

# 8: A GOOD book - I’m not just talking about any old book. I’m talking about one of those books you just don’t want to put down, it’s so good. What’s more relaxing than sitting by the pool reading a good book? I’m planning on getting a book that takes me the whole summer to read, it’s gonna be THAT good! =) I may even read War and Peace again if that’s what it takes.

# 9: Dipping Dots - =) Ice cream is soooo over-rated in comparison to Dipping Dots! Eating dipping dots is like... Nah, I don’t think I’ll tell you what it’s like. =) Y’all have to try them for yourselves and see what they compare to. But I will tell you this, dipping dots are simply amazing! =) And summer is not summer without dipping dots! So, when it's really hot out this summer, instead of ice cream get yourself some dipping dots, and you'll never feel the same about ice cream again... dipping dots are sooooo much better!!! Dipping Dots just make me smile! =)

# 10: Good Friends - What is life in general without good friends, let alone summer? What fun would any of the things above be without good friends? Hanging out at the pool or beach would not be the same if you didn’t do it with your friends. And if you don’t have good friends there wouldn’t be anyone to help you rub sunscreen on your shoulders and back at the beach and pool. Without friends, who would you clack around loudly in the stores with while wearing flip-flops? And without a good friend, who would tell you what eating Dipping Dots tastes like? Face it, summer is NOT the same without good friends!

Not just good friends, but the BEST of friends!!! =)

Anywho, even though I don’t know where I’ll be this summer, whether Michigan or Texas, whether drinking iced tea or lemonade, wearing white or black flip-flops, with old friends or new, but whatever my circumstances I’ll have all of my “Must Haves!” =)

So, raise your Arnold Palmers high and salute summer! Hears to the Best One EVER!!! =)


Lake Michigan! Easily one of the most beautiful places on earth!